Student Led Conferences are coming up, and we have a day off from school to give teachers time to meet with families. Here's what students think:
“I cried during one in freshman year because my mentorship asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I didn't know what to say”
—Easton, 12th grade
“Big dumb. Annoying. Awkward. Something that doesn’t need to be part of school.”
—Phil, 11th grade
“Shouldn't be mandatory. I have a lot of trouble talking about school, especially with my parents. Not looking forward to it one bit.”
—René, 9th grade
—Audrey, 11th grade
“It was better when we didn't have to do em”
—Lyubo, 12th grade
“I imagine they're good at developing skills for interviews. I obviously cannot confirm this, but I don't feel that they're useless so I'm okay with them.”
—Donovan, 11th grade
“Feels unneeded, my parents already know way more about my school life and plan than my mentorship teacher so nothing is really gained from the experience. However I realized this isn’t always the case so they are good for people who may benefit. I just think they shouldn’t be mandatory.”
—Tyler, 11th grade
“Feels like they’re asking, “what do you want to do for the rest of your life and what are you most passionate about, and how can we lock you into that field you’ve chosen as an nth grader?”
—Tosha, 12th grade
“shouldn't be required. I don't need a teacher to moderate me checking in w/ parents. I do that”
—Lyubo, 12th grade
“some people might need it, but not all. it should not be required”
—Oliver, 10th grade