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Posted on September 26th, 2023

10 Items The Student Store Should Add RIGHT NOW

Mr. Reed, take notes ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

Nolan's profile picture


Recently, the Student Store added ice-cold Capri Suns and Izzes to its list of $1 options, coming in an array of familiar flavors. This got my gears turning- would there have been better things to add? Could I influence future item additions? And so, after careful deliberation, I have compiled a list of items I believe should be added to the student store.

1. Bop-It!

lincoln-themed bop it

A definitely-not-more-annoying alternative to staring at your phone!

2. Commemorative Cory Eichner Bobblehead

eichner bobble head

The bobblehead you never knew you wanted.

3. DEWALT Black and Gold Twist Drill Bit Set (15-Piece)

lincoln-branded drill bits

...drill not included.

4. Expired Milk

lunch room milk

It strengthens your immune system, right? Right??

5. Bathroom Stall Door

bathroom door

Graffiti costs extra- buy two and get three sink faucet heads for free!

6. Whole Wheel Parmigiano Reggiano, 72 lbs.


...Costco actually sells this. For $949.99.

7. Key ring with keys to a 2017 Mercedes Sprinter, 2011 Ford Transit Connect, and a couple other keys that are probably pretty important

mr reed's keys

Whatโ€™s that? Mr. Reedโ€™s missing his keys? Uhh... Iโ€™m sure heโ€™s just misplaced them.

8. Tennessee


And itโ€™s 50% off!

9. Big Mouth Billy Bass

singing bass

It sings!

10. Dr. Eichner Shower Curtain

ew ew ew

At this point idek

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