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Posted on May 27th, 2022

The Mystery Of The Whiteboard Ducks

It's about the ducks.

Audrey's profile picture


Anyone who’s been to Lincoln has seen the drawings of ducks and snails on whiteboards all over the school. The question is, who drew them?

After a lot of research, we were able to track down the two artists behind the animal drawings and contacted them both with some questions about them and their work. Read these questions and answers from Dr. Snail Love and Ducky and try to identify the two mystery creators behind the drawings…

Interview with Ducky, duck artist

Why did you start drawing the ducks?

I started drawing the ducks because I was really bored in class one day.

How long have you been drawing them?

I've been drawing them since the end of 8th grade. I was new to Seattle, so it was the first time I ever got to see ducks up close.

Is drawing a hobby of yours?

Drawing the ducks is a hobby. I suck at drawing anything else.

I assume you’ve noticed the snails that have been popping up near the ducks. If you could say something to the drawer of the snails, what would you say?

The snails and I are currently forming an alliance. ;)

How does it feel, now that your ducks have become so popular?

It feels nice that people know about my ducks. It's also amazing that I remain anonymous to many people. It's fun. Especially when I see people coming up to me with smiles after finding me. 

Do you have any goals with your duck drawings?

My main goal with the ducks is to bring confusion and joy.

Interview with Dr. Snail Love, Snail Artist

Why did you decide to start drawing the snails (where did the idea come from)?

I decided to draw the snails for fun and when I was randomly doodling,  I drew a snail that was quick and easy to draw

Is there any reason you draw snails instead of some other animal or is it just because?

I just draw draw the snails because they're quick and easy to do

Do you draw outside of the snails, is it a hobby?

Yeah, I draw outside of snails it's a hobby when I'm feeling upset or just when I'm in a good mood

When did you begin drawing the snails?

I don't remember, maybe the ninth of March?

Do you have any goals with drawing them, like getting one in every classroom etc?

Yeah I had a goal to draw one in every classroom at first but some teachers don't like it so I don't draw them in every classroom 

How do you decide where to draw the snails? I’ve noticed them a lot near the duck drawings

I just draw them whenever I see a whiteboard but I also draw them near the duck persons drawings as a joke and then they would respond with more ducks so I would draw more snails 

What is something you’re proud of achieving with the snails?

That some people see them and make small comments on them 

Is there anything you want readers to know, either about the snails or yourself?

No, not really, I guess that whenever you see my snails, I hope they make you feel a little better because I write little positive messages sometimes, but people keep erasing them  

Would you say you were inspired by the person drawing the ducks?

Yeah, Kinda I started doing this because I saw duck person doing them 

If you could say something to them (the duck person), what would that be?

You have very nice ducks and I hope you keep drawing them because there a very recognizable image around Lincoln, you see them everywhere 

How long do you plan to keep drawing snails?

probably till I get bored 

Do many people know who you are?

Yeah, some of my friends know I draw them and some people tell me they like my snails 

Can you tell me anything about when you first decided to draw the snails consistently? Like what were you thinking when you first started?

I started to doubt that people would recognize them, but they have 

Do you hope to inspire other people to do something similar to you?

well yeah and people already have when I started drawing on the white board in the library to get a response from duck person a lot of people just started drawing on the board and started drawing animals 

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