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Posted on May 25th, 2022

The BEST 3 Places Lincoln Could Put A Field

It’s been debated for a while, but I’m confident one of these 3 places will work.

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Lincoln High School is notorious for not having its own field, so I compiled a list of perfect places we could build one.

1. Dick’s Drive-In

Dick’s Drive-In being bulldozed

Dick’s owns quite a large plot of land here in Wallingford. If we, say, ran a large bulldozer through it and flattened it (and maybe some other nearby buildings), we could build a gorgeous new field. Sure, maybe it’s a “historical Seattle location” and a restaurant loved by this entire neighborhood, but it’s the perfect location. Also, if we build the field there, we could name it the Dick’s Memorial Field. Just saying 🤷‍♂️

2. The Front Entrance

Lincoln being bulldozed

Right in front of the Lincoln High School building is a big woodchip-filled area. Lots of people complain about the inefficient use of the space. “It’s a waste,” said one person I spoke with. “They could put all sorts of things there. We could have a greenhouse, or a bowling alley, or even a full-sized soccer field!” Some people could argue against it by saying that “there’s decades-old trees that would have to be removed!” or that “we’d definitely have to destroy Interlake,” or even that tearing down the Historical Entrance would be “dismantling the school’s 100-year-old history.” However, in my highly educated opinion, building a field is definitely worth the side effects of harming the environment, increasing traffic, and demolishing Seattle history.

3. Stone Way

Stone Way being bulldozed

The last place Lincoln could put a field is right in the middle of Stone Way. There’s lots of great intersections that we could just, y’know, claim for the school and tear up. And the best part is that it’s already pretty flat, so we wouldn’t need to spend money on tearing down buildings! The only downside is that it’s blocking off a major road, but it’s fiiiine.

Are there places I’ve missed? Let me know somewhere, I don’t know where though.

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