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Posted on April 17th, 2023

We Found Out Who Knocked Down The Tree In Front Of Lincoln

Was this a malicious act of hatred?

Jonah's profile picture


Students at school today may have noticed that a massive chunk had fallen from one of one of trees in front of the Historical Entrance. This caused a pretty major disturbance to students leaving the building.

ava next to tree

"I'm sad, because there won't be many cherry blossoms next year," said Ava. “I was crying, it was my favorite tree branch,” said Quinn.

students with tree

Admin is still investigating the cause of this significant loss. From what we know so far, the tree was pretty old and rotted. We still don’t know if this rot will lead to the entire tree being removed, or the fate of its neighbor across the pathway.

rotted tree

The fallen branch will likely be removed from campus within the next few days.

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