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Posted on August 28th, 2023

Here's What Students REALLY Think About Their APs

Thinking about taking an AP? This article is for you!

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We asked students at Lincoln what advice they'd give to incoming freshmen. It's an annual tradition at this point, and people gave tips for lunch, social lives, grades, and more!

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Here's what they said:

human geography

Human Geography - 8/10

AP Human Geography was an S tier introduction to AP classes, and it was more interesting than any other history class I’ve taken—we work with lots of cool statistics and data in the class. Only critique is that I did not get enough feedback on my skill reflections and FRQs until late in the year, so it was a mad dash to figure out how to properly write FRQs the week before the AP exam. —Callum, 11th grade


AP Calculus AB - 8/10

This class broke me, and then filled me with so much rage that I rebuilt myself slightly better than I started. Success is very dependent on:
a) how much you remember from algebra 2 and precalc. You don't remember how to complete the square or the unit circle? Drill them into your memory now
b) Your ability to withstand spending 40+ minutes doing math problems that'll make you want to tear your hair out every day. This is critical. Your homework will be worth a deceptively small number of points, but once you get to the test, you will be so thankful for them. Plus, shocker I know, doing them makes you more prepared for the test
and c) do you know how to actually study? Like, legitimately? Figure out how to make it work for you before you have to study for the next test and a retake of the previous test at the same time —Easton, 12th grade


AP Lit - 8/10

Although a fairly difficult class I really enjoyed it. We are given a lot of class time to get work done and for many of the projects we have the freedom to chose our own texts.
Many of the texts that we are required to read explore a range of values beliefs and traditions expressed by the characters. These texts include different approaches to critical theory that we had to critique. For example feminism in The Wolves by Sarah DeLappe and black studies in good kid, m.A.A.d. city by Kendrick Lamar.
At the end of the year we are given the choice to either do podcast to explain why a book should be canon in the APLit curriculum or canceled, or to do an interdisciplinary studies project analyzing media and presenting it however we'd like. This project was probably the highlight of the year for me because I was able to analyze one of my favorite tv shows through a queer lens and make a video essay to present it.
Not a 10 because of the amount of work we were given. Despite a lot of work time in class many people still couldn't finish everything in class. (and because I missed prom. Not because of the amount of class work but because I decided to do the most time consuming thing for the final project)
Very good and we are given the freedom to chose many of the texts we read throughout the class but definitely not enough work time in class to get it done.
Also I didn't even want to take this class to begin with but I ended up getting peer pressured into taking it which I do not regret —Tai, Class of 2023


AP Biology - 10/10

Super fun, not insanely fast, homework was minimal (mostly definitions), slideshows were provided in advance and remained in the OneNote so you could review them. I was well prepared for the test with just doing the work.
Most of the tests are multiple choice and each unit has a project. the most essay-ish parts were lab reports, which you don’t want to procrastinate on (but the labs were fun!) —Ash, 11th grade

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