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Posted on May 19th, 2023

Literally No One Uses These Vending Machines

📢 We want Skittles 📢

Jonah's profile picture


Lincoln has had vending machines for a couple months now, but essentially no one uses them. Out of 50 people polled, only 11 had purchased something from a vending machine in the past month. That means that over 78% of students hadn't used a vending machine. That's not at all a successful way to raise money for ASB, or keep students hydrated and fed.

Lincoln's vending machine

Now, to give the school some credit, there are regulations in place from the USDA for what they can sell. However, most of what Lincoln students are requesting are 100% compliant.

Here's what students want:

"Literally just normal bottled water" -Ella, Junior

Somehow Lincoln's vending machines don't have normal water?? Just Vitamin Water. Adding plain water of course would work with USDA guidelines, and would help boost vending machine sales.

"Snacks" -Quinn, Sophomore

It's actually crazy to me that we don't have snacks in our vending machines. There's been so many times when I'm hungry between classes where I'd be willing to buy a little something from a vending machine. Plus, it's not like it's not allowed— Roosevelt has vending machines with snacks. I hate to say it, but Roosevelt is beating us in the vending machine game.

Roosevelt's vending machine

"Caffinated Drinks" -Ava, Senior

Despite what you may think, caffinated drinks are actually allowed in high schools as long as they are low-calorie. And there's low-calorie Coke and Redbull and lots of other drinks.

USDA rules about drinks

"Candy and good soda" -Peter, Sophomore

Unfortunately, most candy and good soda aren't allowed. That being said, somehow Roosevelt manages to have Rice Krispies Treats and Pop Tarts in their vending machines. So there's probably some we could get.

"Drugs" -Anonymous, Freshman

Yeah, uhh...

But to conclude,

Lincoln should at least add snack vending machines and should consider expanding their drink selection beyond just Vitamin Water. Also, if you're curious about what snacks can be sold, the USDA actually has a cool calculator tool!

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